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Monday, February 16, 2015

40 Day Clothing Challenge

Wow! It has been waaaaayyyyy toooo long since I have posted ANYTHING!!!! Fail!!!

But Lent is coming up and every year I give up Coke. I am a cokaholic, drinking Coke is my worst vice but for the very soon future, I will be a water drinker. I always feel better during lent when I am  not consuming mass quantities of Coke but quickly resume my drinking habits a week after Easter. Mr. Spouse often equates a good day from a bad by the amount of Coke I drink. Good day= 2 Cokes. Bad day=7 Cokes. :(

Every year I ask my teammates to also give up or we try and do something new to make us better teachers. I ask this same request of my new teammates. 

This year instead of giving up anything as a team, we challenged each other to dress better at work. So we are not going to repeat an outfit during lent. 

So for the next 40 days, my teammates and I will be digging through our closets to try and mix it up. 

Rules of this challenge:
1. An outfit consists of top, bottoms, accessories and shoes. 
2. You cannot repeat the same order of clothes but can wear same jeans or shirt. 
3. Don't buy new clothes, look through Pinterest for inspiration and reach down deep into your closets.

I am excited to take on this challenge. Starting Wednesday-first day of lent- I will post a picture of what I am wearing so I cheat. 

Try this challenge with us. Could you go 40 days with out repeating?!?!